Online Learning

Whether you want to learn something completely new, develop your creative skills, brush up on your language skills or gain a recognised qualification then Adult Learning is here to help. We are passionate about helping people to achieve their full potential and believe that everyone should be given the opportunity to continue learning throughout their life. We want to inspire the people of Cumbria and meet the needs of our local communities through an exciting and engaging curriculum offer.

We have responded to local feedback and improvements in technology and we are now able to offer a range of real time, learner focused, high quality, online learning.  Just have a look at what is on offer across the county! A fabulous choice to meet the needs and aspirations of so many; including brand new for this year our Family Learning offering.  Our courses are easy to access and you will be supported by our experienced and expert tutors.

Our online courses are being delivered via Zoom, a secure online platform. You will be supported to access Zoom via a set of instructions supplied by your centre once your place on a course is confirmed. If you have any queries contact your local Adult Learning Centre and our staff will be happy to help. Please join us as we embark on this fascinating journey!

Online courses - Zoom
With the support of your tutor we will be using Zoom the online platform to deliver classes directly to your phone, tablet or computer.

We look forward to welcoming you to our growing online community.

Download the "Zoom for Learners" document (PDF 635KB)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to join your Zoom class

  1. When you enroll you will receive another email with your joining instructions.
  2. You can join your course directly from a modern internet browser on your PC, Mac, Linux or download the app onto your computer, iPhone, iPad or Android device. You can then use settings in the app to customise your experience. Zoom works best on wi-fi, although it is also possible to take part using a 3G or 4G mobile phone connection.
  3. Follow the link that you receive from us, on the stated date and time. You will then enter a waiting room to be admitted to your course by your tutor. This is so that we can screen who accesses the course.
  4. Before you join your course, you will be asked to enter your name. This will be shared with your tutor and the other attendees. Please make sure it is accurate but do not use your personal email address or any other information that you do not wish to share. Your first name and the first letter of your surname will be enough.

Learners guide to using Zoom

Please tell your tutor whether you are using a smartphone, tablet or laptop. Before your online lesson please make sure you have any equipment you need and a suitable space to work.

You can download the Zoom Desktop, Tablet and Mobile Phone App for free. You don't have to sign up for an account to join classes. The downloaded app will work without you having to sign in.

Don't worry if you don't get the link until the day of your class. As long as we have your most up to date email address on file, you will be sent a link.

Follow the guide for the relevant device you will be using to access Zoom:

Tablet and mobile phone devices

  1. Install the Zoom Cloud Meetings: Apple devices via App Store;  Android devices via Play Store
  2. When prompted skip add a payment option and do not add your payment details. Zoom is free to download
  3. Your App will now work when you get the link to the lesson from your tutor
  4. Your tutor will send you the link in an email with a password to enter your online lesson,  before the session starting
  5. You now have 2 options: Use the Zoom Meeting link and select the Zoom App or use Google Chrome to enter the Zoom room
  6. You may be prompted to connect with your video and audio
  7. When you enter the Zoom meeting you will be in a waiting room ready for your tutor to start the online session

Laptops and desktop devices

You can access your Zoom lesson by using the Google Chrome web browser or by downloading the Zoom Desktop app.

  • Your tutor will send you an email with your invite to the online session
  • Use the link in the email or copy and paste the link into Google Chrome or Edge. Please do not use Internet Explorer
  • When prompted, click Open Zoom
  • A window will pop up with the waiting room message, 'Please wait the meeting host will let you in soon'
  • You will get the option to test your audio
  • You will need to start your video by clicking on the video icon

What is Zoom?

Zoom is an online meetings facility; you are taught by your tutor in real time. If you use Facetime or other video chat programmes, it's very similar but designed for groups.

Do I need to pay for Zoom?

No Zoom is free. Please refer to our Learners Guide to Using Zoom above

When will I get my Zoom invite?

Your tutor will email you before the course starts. This is not an automated system so you may not receive the invite until an hour or two before the course starts.

Please set up Zoom before you receive the invite following our Learners Guide to Using Zoom above.

I can't find my Zoom invite in my inbox, what do I do?

Please check that the email hasn't gone into your Spam or Junk mail. The email will be from your tutor, not an Adult Education centre so will be in the format of or

Please also check any other email accounts you have, as you may not have updated us if you have changed the one you use.

If your class is continuing (for example; more than one class) then the invitation from the previous week should work.

Terms of use and privacy policy

There is no need for you to have a Zoom account to join one of our courses, however by using Zoom you must agree to their terms of use and their privacy policy. By downloading and using the Zoom app you agree to these. You'll find the links on the download page or in the relevant app store.

Zoom's privacy notice

Information about Zooms' commitment to privacy and security

Learner Quotes

"Advantages of Zoom - A real breakthrough factor for me was the 2/3 x weekly class session using Zoom as a result of the lockdown. Learning through Zoom created a unique learning experience for me, it limited any type of distractions, it provided a more immediate interface with each topic, almost like experiencing a one to one session - this really simplified learning new topics. Of course these were followed up with learning in my own time and then again in revision session. Even a one hour session was arguably more productive sat on Zoom opposed to a longer timed session in a classroom environment. You were present, leading the session and we could still ask questions and query methods etc."
- GCSE Maths Learner

"Thanks so much for your time these last 10 weeks, I have really enjoyed them and feel I've learnt quite a lot, although I realise I've loads more to learn , but it's a start.
The weekly classes motivated me to learn more especially by using the various websites you suggested which helped me enormously.
I have found the online lesson really helpful, I know you must have found it difficult at times trying to navigate Zoom, but we got there.
I definitely think on line lessons will be the way forward, our class was a great example of the difficulty involving the travelling and distances Involved for us all. I think we were from all the furthest points away in Cumbria!
I look forward to joining you in September to learn more."
- Italian Learner